Diamond Edge Art



Jesus Christ



Diamond Edge Art

Believe in Christ Alone

Bible - Pure Cambridge Edition of 1611 [Pre Westcott and Hort Alterations]

Archangel Michael

Biblical Christianity

Biblical Christianity

Biblical Christianity

Believe in Christ Alone

Children of the Most High God

All Roads Lead to Rome

Resist the New World Order

Fallen Angels Blog

Resist RFID

Amazing Discoveries Media

Resist the New World Order

Children of the Most High God

Sophia, Isis

Externalising the Hierarchy

Lifting the Veil of Secrecy

Cult of Deception - Religion of Apotheosis, The "Esoteric" Christian

C  U  L  T  O F
D  E  C  E  P  T  I  O  N

T H E  E S O T E R I C
'C H R I S T I A N'

C U L T  O F
D  E  C  E  P  T  I  O  N

T H E  L U C I F E R I A N
O  C  T  R  I  N  E


Augustine (AD 354—430) equates natural law with man's Pre-Fall state.

Therefore, life according to nature is no longer possible and mankind 

must instead seek salvation through the divine law and Christ’s grace. 

Gratian (12th century) reconnected the concept of natural law and divine law.

“The Human Race is ruled by two things: 

namely, natural law and usages (mos, moris, mores). 

Natural law is what is contained in the law and the Gospel. 

By it, each person is commanded to do to others what he wants done to himself 

and is prohibited from inflicting on others what he does not want done to himself.” 

(Decretum, D.1 d.a.c.1; ca. 1140 AD)

Natural Law

Natural Law 

Natural law 

(Latin: ius naturale, lex naturalis) 

is a philosophy asserting that certain rights 

are inherent by virtue of human nature, endowed by nature

traditionally by God or a transcendent source

and that these can be understood universally 

through human reason.

Thomas Aquinas

The Natural Law Theory of St. Thomas Aquinas

The Ethics of Natural Law According To Thomas Aquinas

 Lords of the Left-Hand Path: Forbidden Practices and Spiritual Heresies 

Left-hand path and right-hand path 

Morality of the Left Hand Path 2: The Four Precepts 

 Lords of the Left-Hand Path: Forbidden Practices and Spiritual Heresies 

Hive Mind 

You Have a Hive Mind 

The Hive Mind 

How Social Psychologists Are Gathering Evidence of the Hive Mind 

Self Mastery and Actualization "the Great Work" - Hidden Techniques of the Elite - Alchemy and Freemasonry 

Luciferian Witchcraft - Book of the Serpent By Michael Ford 


The Secret Powers Behind Revolution 

Calls For Jesuit Pope To RESIGN

T H E   A B I D I N G   D O C T R I N E
O F   O U R   L O R D
J   E   S   U   S     C   H   R   I   S  T



 The Holy Spirit Filling in the Abiding Doctrine of Jesus Christ 

Luciferianism - Isis Unveiled - Religion of Apotheosis - Amos 3.7

Luciferianism - Isis Unveiled - Religion of Apotheosis

Gnostic Luciferianism - Isis Unveiled - Religion of Apotheosis

Luciferianism - Isis Unveiled - Religion of Apotheosis

"Church of Lucifer" Release Rapture Propaganda, Luciferianism - Isis Unveiled - Religion of Apotheosis - Rapture Propaganda 

Satanic Bloodlines - Book

Free in Christ ALONE