Greed-War: The Power and Danger of the Military-Industrial Complex
Ike's Warning of Military Expansion, Fifty Years Later
Throughout history religion has effectively served as an
instrument or even a weapon of war
This strategy was also used during the Iran-Iraq war
During the war each side strategically mixes religion and politics
to garner internal allegiance and external support
The Iran-Iraq War: The Use
of Religion as a Tool
Is religion a power for peace or does it cause conflict ?
The Double-Headed Eagle and Whence It Came
The Hidden
Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal
Zionism: The Hidden Tyranny by Ben Freedman
Luciferian - Warlords - "Christian" Zionism
Project for the New American Century
The speech that shamed America
sacrifice has been for nothing, say families of British soldiers killed in
The Wires of War: Technology and the Global Struggle for Power
A World of Struggle: How Power, Law, and Expertise Shape Global Political Economy
International Political Economy The Struggle for Power and Wealth in a Globalizing World